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Terms and privacy
In compliance with the UE Reg. 2016/679, Valentini Srl hereby recognizes that any personal, anagraphical and fiscal data acquired even only verbally in regard to commercial relations with the Customer, directly provided by the Customer or obtained during in context of the society’s activity, will be processed and not diffused in compliance with the above mentioned law and the regulations on privacy.

In this regard, the Customer’s rights might be exerted in compliance with UE Reg. 2016/679, art. 6,32,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22.

Other info


Via Asti 84/A - 10098 Rivoli (TO) - ITALY
TEL.+39 0119594160
FAX +39 0119594166
P.IVA 02571550017

Privacy and terms of use